Attic Insulation

Cooler summers and warmer winters – seal your attic for energy and comfort benefits throughout your home.

When the summer heat is making its way into your home, air-conditioned air isn’t staying in, you see icicles along your roofline in the winter months, or you’re losing heat upstairs, it can be a sign that you need attic insulation. At Upstate Spray Foam Insulation, we want to keep you comfortable all year round, and stop you from losing heat, cooled air, and money, through the ceilings in your home. Even if you have existing insulation in your ceilings (or attic), it may not be stopping enough air from migrating through your ceilings and out through your attic.

Do you need attic insulation?

There is no question that if your home was built more than 10 years ago, and you haven’t upgraded the insulation in the attic area, it likely has an insulation value that does not meet modern-day building code. If you peek into your attic area and see insulation, that doesn’t mean it is adequate. When using a loose fill insulation, you need to install the (cellulose) up to 15 inches thick to meet the New York State code of R-49. When using a blow-in fiberglass product, you need as much as 18 inches to reach an R-49. And while air-sealing has been in regular practice for the past several years, there are still many contractors who do not follow the practice. This procedure is worth doing, even if you aren’t in need of more insulation.


Only after we thoroughly inspect the attic for penetrations and appropriately air-seal, do we then inspect it for appropriate ventilation. We also inspect to be sure all bathroom (exhaust) fans are ducted to the outdoors, and access points are adequately handled. Our crews will route all bathroom/exhaust fans outdoors by use of through-wall vents, and induce attic ventilation with proper vents and/or gable vents. We will build retaining walls around access points to keep the insulation retained in the attic when accessing the area.


After we have installed attic insulation, we have heard feedback of warmer rooms in the winter, and cooler homes in the summer. The attic area can build a lot of heat in the summer due to roof color and exposure to the sun. Even when the attic is properly ventilated, temperatures can hover over 100-degrees F. Maintaining a good insulation value in the attic keeps the heat from migrating into the living space. Your home’s ability to maintain heat will improve, and your heating system won’t be running constantly. The combination of air-sealing and insulation will also prevent ice build-up and the subsequent damage and roof leaks.

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The EmPower+ New York program provides free energy efficiency solutions for income-eligible New York residents. Available for both homeowners and renters.